About Us

Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It's about doing more good.

Welcome to Sustainable Stree, where we believe that every woman deserves sustainable, comfortable, and fabulous periods! We're not your average sanitary brand—we're here to revolutionize the way women experience their monthly cycles. We're here to create a community where sustainability meets sass, where eco-consciousness and humour coexist harmoniously. Get ready to say goodbye to uncomfortable, landfill-filling products and hello to the future of sustainable feminine care!

menstrual cup with flowers

Our Mission

Redefining periods with a sustainable twist.

At Sustainable Stree, we aim to create a world where women can embrace their periods with confidence while treading lightly on our beautiful planet. We're on a crusade to shake up how we handle menstruation, one eco-friendly product at a time, because Mother Nature deserves better than our discarded plastic period relics. We provide sustainable and high-quality sanitary products because being eco-friendly doesn't mean sacrificing comfort or style.

Sustainable gifts

Our Vision

Rock your flow, save the earth, and smile through it all.

A world where periods are celebrated, not dreaded. A world where every woman is strutting confidently, knowing that she's positively impacting the environment and looking darn good while doing it! At Sustainable Stree, our vision is to create a future where sustainable periods are the norm, and Mother Earth gives us a standing ovation for our efforts. Together, we'll conquer waste, break menstrual taboos, and leave a legacy that will make our granddaughters giggle with appreciation. Get ready to revolutionize the way we do periods and change the world!

Join the Sustainable Stree Revolution and make your period the greenest event of the month! Say goodbye to environmentally harmful products and hello to a sustainable, laughter-filled period journey. Let's turn our periods into a force for good and show the world that sustainability can be sassy, hilarious, and oh-so-glamorous.

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